When deciding to go on a hiking adventure it is important to make sure that your body is as prepared as it can be and the right training regime. We just need to think about what it is all about, carry a backpack over a long distance. It all adds up to needing to exercise legs & shoulders to bare the weight of the pack.
Starting Your Training Regime?
Whether you are an avid fitness junky or if you are just starting to consider exercising and changing your life, you must need a plan that you need to adhere to. As these muscle groups are alternating you can either train each group on separate days or you can combine them into a singular workout.
Need to be mindful when planning to include a day or two for rest. There is no point overloading your body especially when you are first starting out. It is almost a guaranteed way to get an injury and to set back any training benefits you have earned.
Things To Consider When Starting Your Training?
You may be thinking why would I need to consider anything? Can’t I just starting the exercises.
We need to be mindful of the exercises we perform and how to make sure that they are done correct and we minimise the risk of injury. So it would be handy before attempting any of these exercises that you look over our article on warm ups.
Items you might want to use hand weights, resistance bands or soup cans. Strange as it may seem but soup cans will provide a nice starting point if you don’t want to invest in potentially expensive equipment.
Leg & Shoulder Exercises
The beauty of these exercises is that you can do these anytime and anywhere, with proper gym equipment or with items just lying around your home.
For additional fitness articles or alternative exercises please view all articles here.