Dried dates are ideally suitable immediately before or after a workout to supply yourself with quickly available carbohydrates, as the dates have a high level of natural sugar. They also satisfy appetite for sweets, saturate very fast and include a wide range of minerals.
The important thing is to choose dates, which are not sweetened additionally. The date milk is therefore perfect to reheat after a workout in the cold and to supply your muscles quickly with glycogen, so that you soon will be fit again for your next training session. A combination with protein-rich foods is optimal.
10 min
Ingredients for 0,5 liter
- 4 dried dates (unsweetened, non-sulphurized)
- 500ml milk (low fat)
- 1 cinnamon stick or ½ teaspoon cinnamon
- 1 vanilla pod or ½ teaspoon ground vanilla
- 1 pinch of grated nutmeg
- Put milk in a high pot, heat up carefully, stir occasionally.
- Remove date seeds if necessary, cut into small pieces.
- Scrape out vanilla pod if necessary.
- Add chopped dates, cinnamon stick or powder, vanilla and grated nutmeg to the milk, bring slowly to a boil while stirring.
- Reduce heat and let milk simmer for about 5 minutes, stir occasionally.
- Take milk off the stove and puree with a blender or immersion blender until creamy.